Friday, September 30, 2005

Seated in the Heavenlies

Recengly I have been reading Ephesians in my devotions. Paul really gets excited about God's plan of salvation that takes us from being dead in trespasses and sin and resurrects us to life and eventually seats us in the heavenlies with Christ.

It reminds me of my experience parasailing several years ago in Florids. I had been visiting friends there and had seen folks hanging from parachutes being drawn along by a boat. It looked like such great fun that on my last day there my hostess took me down to the dock where I got to be the only customer on the first run of the day.

It was utterly fantastic!!! one second I was standing on the stern of this boat which was picking up speed and the next I was airborne. What a great thing it was to be up in the air. It was more than just being exciting and fun: it was also a spiritual experience for me.

As I was hanging in midair from this parachute, I thought, "This is amazing. It's only the wind that is keeping me up. It's just like the Holy Spirit, the Wind of God, who sustains me and keeps me airborne. "

Then I looked out over the surrounding countryside along the shore. What a great view it was! I could see for miles. Ashore the land is so flat that it's hard to get any perspective on the general view of things. Airborne, I could see the whole lay of the land. Airborne, I didn't have to deal with traffic or any of the other annoying things that make up daily life. I was above it all and could see the big picture. "This reminds me of being seated in the heavenlies with Christ. From this position I am above all the trivia of life, and can see the bigger purposes that God must have in mind. This is a great place to be."

I returned to Philadelphia greatly refreshed and excited by my experience. I must admit that I do get bogged down in the trivia of life and my vision is limited by the things that press in on me. How much I need to be reminded of God's bigger purposes, and of my position in Christ and remember that His purpose for me is to seat me in the heavenlies with Himself.


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