Tenth CHurch Blood Drive December 6, 2005
The Red Cross is very pleased with the results; I was disappointed of course since being only "4" short of thea, goal is hard to face. Nevertheless I think we did the best we could under the circumstances.
Officially we collected 56 productive pints of blood on a goal of 60. Red Cross says this time of year is really tough because people have so many commitments.
I was especially pleased that many neighborhood people came in. One girl was approached on the street and she said she might be back but was "apt hunting." I wished her well, told her a little bit about the church and she returned later to donate! She said she wanted to find an apt in the neighborhood so she could attend our Church! She had never heard of us before.
This and other contacts make the whole thing worthwhile in the end. The trainer at the gym came back and donated this time. We made him feel VERY welcome! Also my Jewish dentist came and was impressed by the warm welcome. He had never donated before!
Jay, George and Ed did a fine job at the refreshment table. I believe George is the most popular person at the drive. Even the red cross wanted to know "if George would be there!" I also give hearty thanks to Danya Kellberg who is a saint at the reception table. Tom Witmer got the posters hung in the neighborhood. We should also thank the faithful in the congregation who donated, especially those that had to travel to do so. We couldn't do this without them.
The Church staff presents a fine example by being so faithful in this work. By donating and by being so enthusiastic you all really make a difference!
Many thanks all around and to you Cora for your fine support. I couldn't do it without you!